Friday, October 28, 2016



Therefore, since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us. Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. (Rom. 5:1-3)

Batters hustling to the plate to take their swings. Questionable calls going uncontested. Umpires being thanked after the game. Fans returning foul balls. Is this Major League Baseball? Well, it was. For a few weeks during the spring of '95, professional baseball was an entirely different game. The million-dollar arms were at home. The Cadillac bats were in the rack. The contracted players were negotiating for more money. And not to be deterred by the contractual impasse, the owners decided to throw the gates open to almost anyone who knew how to field a grounder, or run out a bunt. These weren't minor-leaguers. The minor leagues were on strike, too. These were guys who went from coaching Little League one week to wearing a Padres uniform the next.

The games weren't fancy, mind you. Line drives rarely reached the outfield. One manager said his pitchers threw the ball so slowly that the radar gun couldn't clock them. A fan could shell a dozen peanuts in the time it took to relay a throw from the outfield. The players huffed and puffed more than The Little Engine That Could. But the players had fun. The diamond was studded with guys who played the game for the love of the game. When the coach said run, they ran. When he needed a volunteer to shag fly balls, a dozen hands went up. They arrived before the park opened, greasing their gloves and cleaning their cleats. And when it was time to go home, they stayed until the grounds crew ran them off.

They thanked the attendants for washing their uniforms. They thanked the caterers for the food. They thanked the fans for paying the dollar to watch. The line of players willing to sign autographs was longer than the line of fans wanting them in the first place. These guys didn't see themselves as a blessing to baseball, but baseball as a blessing to them. They didn't expect luxury; they were surprised by it. They didn't demand more playing time; they were thrilled just to play at all. It was baseball again. In Cincinnati, the general manager stepped out onto the field and applauded the fans for coming out. The Phillies gave away free hot dogs and sodas. And in the trade of the year, the Cleveland Indians gave five players to the Cincinnati Reds – for free!

It wasn't classy. Fans missed the three-run homers, and frozen-rope pick-offs. But that was forgiven for the pure joy of seeing some guys play who really enjoyed the game. And what made them so special was that they were living a life they didn't deserve. These guys didn't make it to the big leagues because of their skill; they made it because of a lock-out. They weren't picked because they were good; they were picked because they were willing. And they knew it. Not one time did you read an article about the replacement players arguing over poor pay. There was no jockeying for position. No second-guessing the management. No strikes. No walkouts. These guys didn't even complain that their names weren't stitched on the back of their jerseys. They were just happy to be on the team. Shouldn't we be, too?

Aren't we a lot like these players? If the first four chapters of Romans tell us anything, it tells us we’re living a life we don't deserve. We aren't good enough to get picked. But look at us? Suited up and ready to play. We aren't skillful enough to make the community softball league, but our names are on the greatest roster in history. Do we deserve to be here? No. But would we trade the privilege? Not for the world. Because if Paul's proclamation is true, God's grace has placed us on a dream team beyond our imagination. Our past is pardoned, and our future is secure. And lest we forget about this unspeakable gift, Paul itemizes the blessings that God's grace brings into our world. "Since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God." (v. 1)

Peace with God. What a happy consequence of faith. Not just peace between countries, or peace between neighbors, or peace at home; salvation brings peace with God. I heard a story where a monk and his apprentice were traveling from the abbey to a nearby village. The two parted company at the city gates and agreed to meet the next morning after completing their tasks. According to plan, they met and began the long walk back to the abbey. The monk noticed that the younger man was unusually quiet. So, he asked him if anything was wrong. "What’s it to you?" came the terse response. Now the monk was sure his brother was troubled, but he decided to say nothing. But soon, the distance between the two began to increase – the apprentice walked slowly, as if to separate himself from his teacher.

Finally, when the abbey was in sight, the monk stopped at the gate and waited on the student. "Tell me, my son. What troubles your soul?" The boy started to react again, but when he saw the warmth in his master's eyes, his heart began to melt. "I have sinned greatly," he sobbed. "Last night I slept with a woman and abandoned my vows. I’m not worthy to enter the abbey at your side." The teacher put his arm around the student and said, "We’ll enter the abbey together. And we’ll enter the cathedral together. And together we’ll confess your sin. No one but God will know which of the two of us fell."

Doesn't that describe what God has done for us? When we kept our sin silent, we withdrew from him. We saw him as an enemy. We took steps to avoid his presence. But our confession of faults alters our perception. God is no longer a foe but a friend. We are at peace with him. And he did more than the monk ever did. More than share in our sin, Jesus was "crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him." (Isa. 53:5) "He accepted the shame." (Heb. 12:2) And he leads us into the presence of God.

Being ushered into God's presence is the second blessing Paul describes: "Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand. " (Rom. 5:2) Look at the phrase, "has brought us into." The Greek word means "to usher into the presence of royalty." Twice in Ephesians Paul reminds us of our right to enter God's presence: “It is through Christ that all of us are able to come into the presence of the Father.” (Eph. 2:18) “Now we can come fearlessly right into God's presence. . . .” (Eph. 3:12) Christ meets us outside the throne room, takes us by the hand, and walks us into the presence of God. Upon entrance we find grace, not condemnation; mercy, not punishment. Where we would never be granted an audience with the king, we are now welcomed into his presence. And if you’re a parent you understand that.

For instance, if a child you don't know appears on your doorstep and asks to spend the night, what would you do? Well, you’d likely ask him his name, where he lives, find out why he’s roaming the streets, and then contact his parents. On the other hand, if a youngster enters your house escorted by your child, that child is welcome. The same is true with God. By becoming friends with the Son, we gain access to the Father. Jesus promised, "All those who stand before others and say they believe in me, I will say before my Father in heaven that * * * they belong to me." (Matt. 10:32) Because we are friends of his Son, we have an entrance into the throne room. He ushers us into that "blessing of God's grace that we now enjoy." (Rom. 5:2) This gift is not an occasional visit before God, but rather a permanent "access by faith into this grace by which we now stand." (v. 2)

And here’s where my analogy with the baseball strike of ’95 ends. The replacement players knew their status was only temporary. Their privilege lasted only as long as the strike continued. Not so with us. Our privilege lasts as long as God is faithful, and his faithfulness has never been questioned. "If we are not faithful, he will still be faithful, because he cannot be false to himself." (2 Tim. 2:13) Isaiah described God's faithfulness as the "belt around his waist." (Isa. 11:5) David said that the Lord's faithfulness "reaches to the heavens." (Ps. 36:5) I suppose the baseball analogy would work if the team owner conferred upon us the status of lifetime team members. And if that were true, our position on the team wouldn’t depend upon our performance, but upon the owner’s power. But has a baseball owner ever given such a gift? I don't think so, but God has. And God does.

Finally, note the sequence of these blessings. The first blessing deals with our past; we have peace with God because our past is pardoned. The second blessing deals with the present. We have a place with God because Jesus has presented us to his Father. Any guess what the next blessing is? Right. Our future. "… and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory." (Rom. 5:2) Because of God's grace, we go from being people whose "throats are like open graves," (Ps. 5:9) to being participants in God's glory.

We were washed up and put out; now we’ve been called up and put in.


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