If Only
I have
learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost
nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every
situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For
I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (Phil. 4:11-13)
The widest river
in the world is not the Mississippi, the Amazon, or even the Nile. The widest
river on earth is a body of water called If
Only. Throngs of people stand on its banks and cast longing eyes over its waters.
They want to cross, but can't seem to find the ferry. They’re convinced that the
If Only river separates them from the
good life. If only I were thinner,
I'd have the good life. If only I
were richer, I'd have the good life. If
only the kids would come. If only
the kids were gone. If only I could
leave home, move home, get married, get divorced. If only my skin were clear of pimples, my calendar free of people,
my profession free from layoffs, then I would have the good life. The If Only cry me a river.
Does it seem like
the good life is always one if only away?
One purchase away? One promotion away? One election or one romance away? If so,
then you’ve traced your anxiety to one of its sources. You're in a hurry to
cross the river, but worried that you never will. As a result, you work long
hours, borrow more money, take on new projects, and pile on more
responsibilities. Stress. Debt. Short nights. Long days. All part of the cost
of the ticket to the land of the good life, right? Not exactly, opined the
apostle Paul. The good life begins, not when circumstances change, but when our
attitude toward them does. Look again at his antidote for anxiety: "Be
anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through
Christ Jesus." (Phil. 4:6-7)
Paul embedded in
these two verses two essential words that deserve special attention: with thanksgiving. Sprinkled among your
phrases of "Help me . . . ," or "Please give me . . . ," or
maybe "Won't you show me . . .," should be two wonderful words: Thank you. Gratitude is a mindful
awareness of the benefits of life. It is the greatest of virtues. Studies have
linked the emotion with a variety of positive effects. Grateful people tend to
be more empathetic and forgiving of others. People who keep a gratitude journal
are more likely to have a positive outlook on life. Grateful individuals
demonstrate less envy, materialism and self-centeredness. Gratitude improves
self-esteem, and enhances relationships, quality of sleep and longevity. If it
came in a pill form, gratitude would be deemed the miracle cure. It's no
wonder, then, that God's anxiety therapy includes a large, delightful dollop of
Gratitude leads
us off the riverbank of If Only, and
escorts us to the fertile delta of Already.
The anxious heart says, “Lord, if only
I had this, that or the other thing, I’d be okay.” The grateful heart says,
“Oh, look! You’ve already given me
this, that or the other thing. Thank you, God.” My friend, John, has taught me
the value of gratitude. He’s eighty-three years old and regularly shoots his
age on the golf course. I’d have to live to a hundred to do as well. His dear
wife, Marilyn, battles a number of diseases. What should have been a wonderful
season of retirement has been marred by hospital stays, medication and
struggles. Many days Marilyn can’t keep her balance. John has to be at her
side. Yet he never complains. He always has a smile and a joke. And he
relentlessly beats me at golf.
I asked John his
secret. He said, “Every morning Marilyn and I sit together and sing a hymn. I
ask her what she wants to sing. She always says, ‘Count Your Blessings.’ So we
sing it. And we count our blessings.” Take a moment and follow John’s example.
Look at your blessings. Do you see any friends? Family? Do you see any grace
from God? The love of God? Do you see any gifts? Abilities? Talents? Skills? And
as you look at your blessings, take note of what happens. Anxiety grabs its bags
and slips out the back door. Worry refuses to share a heart filled with
gratitude. One heartfelt thank-you will suck the oxygen out of worry’s world.
So say it often. Focus more on what you have, and less on what you don’t.
The apostle Paul
modeled this outlook. “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have
learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well
fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through
Christ who gives me strength.” (Phil 4:11-13) The circumstances of Paul’s life
in jail were miserable. Under constant surveillance. No reason to hope for
release. Yet with shackles dangling from his wrists, the apostle announced, “I
have learned the secret to being content.”
Paul’s use of
the term secret is curious. He
doesn’t say, “I have learned the principle.”
Or, “I have learned the concept.”
Instead, “I have learned the secret of
being content.” A secret, by definition, is a bit of knowledge not commonly
known. It’s as if the apostle beckons us to lean forward to hear him whisper,
“Can I share a secret with you about happiness?” “I have learned the secret of
being content – whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.”
(v. 12)
Does happiness
depend on what you drive? Wear? Deposit? Even spray on? If so, you’ve entered
the rat race called materialism. You can’t win that race. There will always be
a newer car to buy, or a nicer dress to purchase. And since the rat race is
unwinnable, you’re setting yourself up for certain failure which then leads to more
anxiety. Define yourself by your stuff, and you’ll feel good when you have a
lot, and you’ll feel bad when you don’t. If
I get the new job . . . If I can
retire . . . . In each case joy comes, then fades. By the time you reach
old age, you’ve ridden a thousand roller coasters of hope and disappointment, hope
and disappointment. Life has repeatedly lifted you up, and then let you down,
and you’re suspicious that, given your past experiences, it’s likely to let you
down again.
contentment turns us into wounded, worried people. Paul advances a healthier
strategy. He learned to be content with what he had, which is pretty remarkable
since he had so little. He had a jail cell instead of a house. He had four
walls instead of a mission field. He had chains instead of jewelry, a guard
instead of a wife. How could he be content? Simple. He focused on a different
list. He had eternal life. He had the love of God. He had forgiveness of sins.
He had the surety of salvation. He had Christ, and, for Paul, Christ was
enough. What he had in Christ was significantly greater than what he didn't
have in life.
Here’s a little detail
about Paul’s letter to the Philippians that actually says quite a lot about the
author. Within its 104 verses Paul mentions Jesus forty times. In other words,
Paul talked about Christ, on average, every 2½ verses. "To me the only
important thing about living is Christ, and dying would be profit for me."
(Phil. 1:21) His only aim was to know Jesus. Riches didn’t attract him.
Applause didn’t matter to him. The grave didn’t intimidate him. All he wanted
was more Jesus. As a result, he was content. In Jesus, Paul found all the
satisfaction his heart desired, and you and I can learn the same.
contentment turns us into strong people. Since no one can take our Jesus, no
one can take our joy. Can death take our joy? No, Jesus is greater than death.
Can failure take our joy? No, Jesus is greater than our sin. Can betrayal take
our joy? No, Jesus will never leave us. Can sickness take our joy? No, God has
promised, whether on this side of the grave or the other, to heal us. Can
disappointment take our joy? No, because even though our plans may not work
out, we know God's plan will. Death, failure, betrayal, sickness,
disappointment – they cannot take our joy, because they can’t take our Jesus.
What you have in
Christ is greater than anything you don't have in life. You have God, who is
crazy about you, and the forces of heaven to monitor and protect you. You have
the living presence of Jesus within you. In Christ you have everything. He can
give you a happiness that can never be taken, a grace that will never expire,
and a wisdom that will ever increase. He’s a fountain of living hope that will
never be exhausted. I have a friend who lives next to a river, into which his boat
dock extends from the edge of his property. The level of the river may rise and
fall with the seasons or circumstances. His boat may even rock back and forth
with the river traffic. But though the level may change and his boat may rock, it’s
never drifted away. Why? Because his boat is securely anchored to the dock.
What about you?
Anchor your
heart to the character of God. Your boat will rock. Moods will come and go.
Situations will fluctuate. But you won’t be left adrift on the river of despair
because you’ve found a contentment that endures the circumstances. So, no more
"if only" – it’s the Petri dish for anxiety. Focus on a different
list – not a list of things to do, or a list of things you want, but a list of the
things you already have. Replace your "if only" with
"already." Exchange each anxious thought with a grateful one, and then
the peace of God will replace your anxiety with contentment. That’s the secret
to a thankful life.
If Only - Audio/Visual
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